Artist member of ADAGP for copyright management.

Born in Los Angeles, USA in the early ‘70s, I grew up between Portugal, France and the UK. I am currently living in Paris, France.

I am an artist with a scientific background. My curiosity in understanding the form-function relationships of life led me to study biology and earn a Ph.D. in plant science. Having spent most of my formative years in Portugal, a country whose geography, history, and soul lean toward the Atlantic Ocean, I am deeply connected to the sea, which is a recurring presence in my work. I like to create stories, visual poems, made up of bits and pieces gathered here and there. My work is grounded in the natural world, materializing the beauty of the intangible and blurring the lines that separate reality, dream, imagination and the shadows within. Ultimately, making art keeps me sane. Feet on the ground, head in the clouds.

In my artistic practice I use various media such as photography, cyanotype, watercolor, gouache, collage, linocut, clay and also, words.

E d u c a t i o n

2000 ~ PhD in Biology, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. 1995 ~ Bsc in Biology, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

E x h i b i t i o n s

2023 ~

ARTEX, Biennale Arts & Science ISCPIF/CNRS | Exhibition of Adrift, portraits of eternity in an ever changing planet | VIVERE/MARE | Le Totem, Paris, France | 13 October.

Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, France | Individual exhibition with works from Adrift, portraits of eternity in an ever changing planet | 8 October.

Salon des Beaux Arts | Section Naturaliste with four works from the series Adrift, portraits of eternity in an ever changing planet | Paris, France | 14-18 September.

2022 ~

Ocean forests (Forêts de la mer), two women exhibition | Roscoff, Brittany, France | 4-9 October.

C o l l e c t i o n s

Private collections in Argentina, Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Spain, UK and the USA.

T a l k s

2023 ~

Art & Science performative conference with Giulia Grossmann, Christian Sardet, Alice Barbaza and Pedro Junger, Festival Ovni 2023 | Marine Horizons | Nice, France, 19 November 2023.

Ambulatory talk at ARTEX 2023, Biennale Art & Sciences, Institut des Systemes Complexes ISCPIF/CNRS | Adrift and the dark side of plankton genomes | Le Totem | Paris, France, 13 October 2023.

Conference at ARTEX 2023 with Silvia De Monte, Biennale Art & Sciences, Institut des Systemes Complexes ISCPIF/CNRS | Plankton and the Tara expeditions | Le Totem | Paris, France, 13 October 2023.

2022 ~

Invited talk at the Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera, UBA-CONICET | The art of science and the science of art | Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 December, 2022.

Invited plenary speaker at the Young Scientists Days “Art & Science” | The art of science and the science of art | Roscoff, France, 3 November, 2022.